About Us

Hey guys, we’re a team of 5 teenage girls living in Singapore and we want to make a difference in the world.

We have decided to organise fund-raising events, all proceeds will go to GirlUp Campaign, a Campaign that we are so proud to take part in because they’ve changed the lives of so many refugee girls around the world.

We want to raise awareness everywhere we go and we have decided to start small, so we’ve created a blog, and an Instagram/Twitter page.

To raise awareness, however, we have decided to upload a blog post every week, to display the Woman of the Week and how they have shaped the world into a better place.

We believe that we can end Gender Discrimination and we believe that we can help others from right here in Singapore.

Help us spread the love by following our progress on WordPress.com, and keep yourself updated so that hopefully, you can attend events we organise.

We believe we CAN.

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